Welcome to the Mahoning County Skywarn Site. Click on the links to the left for information on Mahoning County's Program. Happy Storm Spotting...73 de N8NJL.................

The radar and watch/warning images are provided by StormLAB & WeatherMessage.  The radar image uploads approx every 5 minutes. Warning text box will show Mahoning County Alerts Only.

The information and radar on this site is provided by InterWARN© & WeatherMessage©, data feed is provided by AllisonHouse and NWS.
The accuracy of this information can NOT be guaranteed and is NOT intended for the use of protection of life and/or property.
Please tune to your local NWS or EBS station for accurate information.

Radar Image From StormLab
(Updated approx ~5 minutes)
Watch/Warning Map (NWS CLE Office)
Live StormLab Radar for KCLE  Live Watch Warning by WeatherMessage Live Watch Warning Legend by WeatherMessage
Cleveland Radar - Image by StormLab 4.0 Image by WeatherMessage
(Images & Warnings will update as long as the internet connection from the server does not go down) 

Click on the Graphic below for the Storm Prediction Center Outlook (Day 1 & Day 2)

SPC Day 1 Outlook SPC Day 2 Outlook


NWS Skywarn Publications
Weather Spotter Field Guide (PDF 27 MB)
Enhanced Fujita Scale (PDF 4 MB)
Thunderstorms Lightning & Tornadoes (PDF 14 MB)
Lightning Safety (PDF 1 MB)